Butterfly pendent advanced poject
step by step

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Butterfly pendent Training of soldering skills, precise assembling.
Time 30 to 40 hours depending your skills, work speed and organization.
Weight in gold 22 grams.
Back base plate 0.5 mm
Bezel band for the onyx 1.5 x 3 mm
Top plates where 36 diamonds are set 1.2 mm

This design is not in the public domain.
Take this as an inspiration, do not copy 1:1
Photos, butterfly pendant and design of the
educational project by Hubert Heldner.

01  Bezel for the center diamond 3.3 x 7 mm. Band 0.5 x 3 mm. 02  Band for butterfly body 1 x 3.5 mm.
03Band for onyx wings 1.5 x 3 mm. 04Bend according to design and onyx. Verify symmetry and solder on back plate 0.5 mm.
05A-jour decoration of the back plate. 06Fit the front plate 1.2 mm thick, precisely around the onyx.
07 08Prepare the Wingbezel to accommodate the front plate.
09 10Solder the frontplate in place. This is quite tricky, as no adiustments after the soldering are possible.
11Cut out along the outside. 12And prepare to assemble wing and body. Prepare the loops for the necklace.
13Drill the holes for the diamonds. 14Note: 2 yellow-brown diamonds are set in the antennas.
15Backview, note the loops to hold the necklace. 16Final view. The yellow marquise diamond looks nice between the black onyx wings.