Faceted gemstones
cut in our workshop by Katerina Kestemont



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if not stated otherwise. The initials HH stay for Hubert Heldner and MD for Michael Dyber.
We cut for brilliance.
Beryl 1.49 ct CHF 432.-
C 17
Beryl 1.49 ct EURO 280.-
Tourmalin 3.37 ct
C 18
Tourmalin 3.37 ct set in a platinum ring with diamonds.
Aquamarin 5.42 ct CHF 1005.-
C 19 HH
Aquamarin 5.42 ct EURO 652.-
Tourmalin 4.29 ct CHF 927.-
C 20
Tourmalin 4.29 ct EURO 602.-
Tourmalin 3.82 ct sold
C 21 HH
Aquamarin 3.71 ct sold
C 22
Skapolith sold
C 23
Skapolith sold
C 24
Opal 45.99 ct CHF 1960.-
C 25
Opal 45.99 ct EURO 1272.-
Beryl 15.88 ct CHF 720.-
mirror facet reflect rough part of stone
C 26 HH
Beryl 15.88 ct EURO 467.- mirror facet reflect rough part of stone
Beryl 12.49 ct CHF 720.-
mirror facet reflect rough part of stone
C 27 HH
Beryl 12.49 ct EURO 467.- mirror facet reflect rough part of stone

Mixed cuts by faceting cabing and carving.

Note the 4 Amethyst-Citrine cut by Michael Dyber. We higly appreciate his art work.

Amethyst-Citrin 34.65 ct
C 32 MD
Amethyst-Citrin 34.65 ct set in yellow gold pendant.
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